sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2018

Report of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the PCMLV (August 2018)

The so-called trade war that the imperialist powers currently develop among themselves, is paving the way for larger confrontations in the near future, the inter-imperialist contradictions are advancing in a Confrontation that will significantly affect all economic activity at the global level.
The confrontation between the main imperialist powers is going to impact all the countries because in the current world the economy is deeply connected. This means clearly that the conflict that we see today starring the imperialist blocs and the internal of these, will expand its consequences in the short and medium term to other countries, meaning in turn to pay the ground for future confrontations in the Military plane, serving the stage for wars of different dimensions and scopes.
The imperialists are opening the way to affect the life of humanity in a way that will be more devastating than those experienced in other eras. Sample of preparation for war in the near future is exposed by the last budget approved by the US government, the greatest of its history, but the US are not the only ones in this race, prelude to imperialist predatory wars, have joined China and Russia, which have made important military expenditures. In general, current military spending already exceeds those carried out for the Cold War.
The actions multiply, acquire various forms and protagonists, with something in common, the impulse and clash of the imperialist powers. The thirst of their monopolies in accumulating great wealth, in obtaining immense gains by the subjugation of the majority to the terror of the imperialist violence can only be stopped if the exploited and oppressed assume the orientation and force necessary to infringe a defeat, what history has shown is only possible under the leadership of Marxist Leninist Parties with "a successful revolutionary tactic, based on the analysis of their own mistakes..."
The proletariat, a peace-loving, but willing to wage war to defend their interests with arms in hand, must prepare in all terrains to successfully confront the claims of imperialism to forcibly subdue the peoples of the world; As history has shown, it is the organization of the exploited and oppressed who once again can save humanity from the catastrophe in which capitalism is immersing the world.
The Latin American context
The countries of Latin America are so far moving in a context delimited by skirmishes between the two great imperialist blocs. On one side the US. The US and the EU are trying to regain full control of the regional economy, on the other China and Russia are working to consolidate and broaden their positions.
America, resorting to a protectionist policy, decides to impose tariffs on foreign products, according to its spokespersons to prevent unfair competition from its competitors, we know that the central reason for this policy is to fight its adversaries and strengthen its advantages in preparations for a higher level of confrontation with the Chinese – Russia bloc in Latin America in particular, which have been positioned in recent years with strength in the region threatening hegemony in a strategic area for the US.
The response to protectionist policy is not expected and the affected reply with tariffs on American products, China and Russia try to diversify markets, and work in Latin America in order to consolidate their positions in a field that It was dominated in the past absolutely by the US and Europe, on which they lost space in recent years, but now they intend to recover. Whoever emerges victorious in this crucial action will have advantages in the race for the distribution of the current world, where each power begins the construction of new alliances by pressing to curb the hegemonist action of the US monopolies linked to Donald Trump, that is why Germany is flirting with Russia by drawing attention to the effects of the current American government's erratic policy.
But it not only marks the pattern on the continent the reflection of the inter-imperialist dispute, but also highlights important points in the development of the popular and left-wing forces in some countries as a concrete expression of the other Contradictions. The phenomena that are lived in Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua where various forces that are located in the spectrum of the left, from the reformists to the revolutionaries, are living a process of resuscitation and redefinition on the basis of their own internal dynamics, of denunciation, demands and struggles against the policies promoted mainly by the American imperialism.
In these struggles, which have an ingredient of a national character, three precisely delimited actors appear within a network of forces that have their own characteristics and contradictions: 1-those that represent the interests of the traditional bourgeoisie under the aegis of the imperialist bloc US-EU, 2-the emerging bourgeoisie which feeds on the small bourgeoisie of reformist left and of fractions of the traditional bourgeoisie displaced, under the shelter of the Chinese – Russia bloc, and 3-the popular forces, truly revolutionary, they face both blocs in the quest to position the National Liberation Project as an alternative to breaking the domination of the imperialist yoke.
The offensive action of the imperialists of the US-EU bloc is now more aggressive in Venezuela and Nicaragua, where they have launched violent actions to leave the reformist governments that are increasingly subordinate to the China-Russia Bloc policy. In the case of Venezuela, it is evident to all objective analysts the level of economic blockade and the actions of isolation, even elements that can announce the beginning of a stage of direct aggression.
In the case of Nicaragua we have valued with the brothers parties the situation, understanding that the confrontation that is being developed has a component of social claims against some measures taken, and then collected, by the government of Daniel Ortega, but We argue that the expressions of the inter-imperialist struggle charge a decisive dimension because among the opposing forces move those who work for a greater scope as it is to prevent the construction of the Interoceanic channel that is contracted with Chinese companies and that would give this imperialist country a maritime route of its own, with capacity for vessels of greater draft and without the limitation of control by the United States.
This channel is also part of a larger project that joins Mariel's deep water port in Cuba, which would serve as a platform for distributing Chinese goods in America and moving raw materials to their companies.
For this reason our Political Bureau incorporates in this report elements to extend the scope of our resolution of the IX Plenary of the CC, taking into account the discussions and declaration of the Meeting of Latin American Parties of the ICMLPO, because we believe that the problem of the violent manifestations in Nicaragua have an ingredient, as a concrete expression of the inter-imperialist contradiction and aggression of the US-EU bloc, where the fallen on behalf of the Government of Daniel Ortega, reformist and conciliator, which does not represent the Interests of Nicaraguan majorities, or those fallen on the part of the opposition, which largely act with a preconceived plan and with strong right-wing expression, represent casualties in the inter-imperialist skirmish; some in favor of the interests of the US, others in favor of the interests of China, because in this country the proletariat does not have a real representation that allows to express independently the forces that fight for the national and social liberation.
It is important to ratify that "Latin America, despite the intensity of the dispute between the great imperialist powers... continues in the fundamental as the backyard of Yankee imperialism" so analyze the forces that express components Anti-imperialist in the region, where there is a network of factors, diverse in each country, which includes in the first place the Marxist-Leninist, various streams of reformists, patriots, trade unionists, indigenous, environmentalists, youth, feminists, Movements by the diversity of gender, among many others that move in a swaying, with varying degree of solidity in their proposals, and that they have two international expressions: The Marxist Leninists the ICMLPO, the reformists the Forum of Sao Paulo.
In this year 2018 the reformist left has assumed a new verve starting from the triumph of Lopez Obrador in Mexico and the realization of the Forum of Sao Paulo in Cuba, as well as taking advantage of the struggles that are fought in several countries that have allowed the reformism to return to as a choice of masses, denouncing Temer in Brazil and Macri in Argentina, making solidarity with Venezuela and Nicaragua. Despite living several defeats, this situation has revived some forces linked to left-wing sectors motivated by the possibility of progress in some countries.
On the other hand, the truly revolutionary, proletarian forces, with Marxist Leninists at the forefront, have also seen a process of consolidation with the presence in anti-imperialist struggles, on the basis of workers’ and popular mobilizations, moreover, in the internal with the realization of the Regional Meetings of Parties, in Latin America and the Caribbean, the analysis of the situation and the publication of a joint declaration where the general positions of the ICMLPO for the region are expressed.
It must be said that in addition to the presence in each country, the Marxist-Leninist Parties play an important role in the ideological struggle, although it requires more strength to achieve the forcefulness necessary to orient and direct the broad masses, today we can see reanimation points of the revolutionary movement in some countries, which in turn will influence the whole region, promoting the possibility of an offensive of the Latin American left in general. However, if the directionality of these processes of struggle fails to overcome the direction of reformism, if the social democracy maintains control, if the consequently revolutionary positions fail to capture the support of the great majorities, convincing with the mobilization, the proposals, the discourse and the example, we will have at the door the possibility of a new disappointment of the masses as a result of the hesitations and inconsequences of the social democracy and the possibility of establishment of regimes Reactionary.
For this reason, the expectations that are generated today in millions of men and women, in a region beset by multiple aftermaths of the crisis, must be used to expand the revolutionary Marxist Leninist proposal and position it with a force never before seen in the street, that engages in the conscience of the exploited and oppressed as a real alternative, truly anti-imperialist, that moves them to fight against the capitalist expressions, staying steadfast in the militancy and fulfillment of the tasks , always having clear the main enemy and a correct policy of alliances and agreements based on the principles, with a healthy ideological struggle to solve the differentiated political positions without double faces.
In Colombia, the new president Ivan Duque ratifies his intention to continue strengthening the narco-paramilitary state and the presence of the financial capital of the American monopolies, which confirms his willingness to confront the revolutionary factors, consolidating the mechanisms of repression and violent offensive against the popular Movement.
The Colombian bourgeoisie is clear on its offensive route against the revolutionary movement, continues to assassinate popular leaders, takes full advantage of the conditions of weakness generated by the demobilization of a part of the guerrilla movement to specify them, to annihilate them and to position their paramilitaries in those zones, with this the right confirms with impudence its mockery towards any peace initiative.
In Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, United States, Martinique, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Venezuela, and other countries of the region Proletarian revolutionaries strive to consolidate the most advanced ideas and Marxist-Leninist organizational principles, fighting against deviations and pragmatic and opportunistic ideas, seeking in the concrete analysis of concrete reality the clearest orientation on the basis of the classics.
Three events mark the Venezuelan political situation for now: 1-the attack with drones against the president and the high political-military cupola with its aftermath. 2-The economic measures announced and initiated the implementation by the national executive. 3-The protests and actions that from the various popular layers and especially the working class and the peasantry are being expressed in the streets.
The first action comes from the US-EU imperialist bloc and the native serviles of the traditional bourgeoisie who work with the support of the region's Creole oligarchy. The second fact has bill from the Chinese-Russian imperialist bloc and its "partners" of the small bourgeoisie "left-wing" who try to become the emerging bourgeoisie, trying to impose their half-Keynesian and half-liberal ideas attaching them a speech Revolutionary but, as it is his own, without touching the big capitals, or taking measures that cut the problem. The third, more than a fact is a process, which is marked by the rise of popular struggles, actions of the working class, peasants and communities, which are breaking the limit of passivity and has generated multiple street actions motivated by the Difficult living conditions, which are not directed by the right, and in which we are adding us the conscious revolutionaries to finish defeating the reactionary nuclei that there want to nest and take advantage demagogic of the real discontent.
The violent action of the traditional bourgeoisie is deepened with a direct attack and the trips of high officials of Trump's ultra-reactionary government to the region to refine the preparations for its action that is now expressed in the economic – financial blockade and "humanitarian aid" that already incorporates a large capacity ship in Colombia, as well as "exercises" and the movement of troops to the border with Venezuela, this can end in a really coup d'etat, an international aggression or an action of some Neighboring country.
The new economic plan of the Government does not go to the bottom of the problem that lives the economy of Venezuela, therefore it will not solve the acute crisis that the popular masses go through because it does not address the production and consequently does not touch the problem of the ownership of the strategic means of production deduction for this moment even, it is based on measures of type monetarist, that if they could solve the shortage of banknotes and solve some problem of circulation, leaves intact in the hands of its enemies the structure of production and distribution, even in liberating the exchange of currencies, and in particular the dollar gives them another tool for speculation with the money they have in banks abroad.
Placing itself again in the hands of the bourgeoisie who works to overthrow them, the government launches measures that lend themselves to generate great confusion; for the price changes, the new monetary cone, the new salaries, which will be paid by the Government to small and medium-sized enterprises, this is going to be taken advantage of by the capitalists who, in the face of an increased demand, for fears and perhaps, for an income improvement, will raise prices by creating a new inflationary leap.
All these phenomena, plus the actions of the revolutionary forces to mobilize the popular movement, have allowed the progressive start of a new mass boom, which has definitely already broken the ebb of other moments and is poised to move forward, has not yet unified and cohesive discourse, neither a structured direction, nor solid international support, but it advances fast in the conscience and in the streets of the country without subordinated to the reactionary right, rather removing also the space of the protest and with more doubts every day about the qualities of the Government to rightly confront the current reality.
We have then three fundamental actors of this juncture, with its class character well-defined, which also can be launching a series of actions for the whole period, which means that they transcend towards the tactics and the strategic direction. Each contender expresses his vision, with his program, his discourse and his fields of action that have elevated the methods of struggle to try to impose himself and dominate the stage, or to prevent being eliminated from the board, the positioning of these proposals, his leaders and Structures will mark the destinations of this country for the next few years so we must explain patiently and meticulously to the masses the character of the bourgeoisie with its traditional fraction, subjected to the US-EU imperialist bloc, the emerging bourgeoisie and small Bourgeoisie to the Chinese – Russia bloc and the proletariat with the elements of revolutionary left struggling to position Scientific Socialism, on the basis of this analysis we work to make the masses understand that there will be no structural solution while maintain capitalist relations and there is no new state of proletarian character.
Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the 
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela (PCMLV)
August 2018

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