Eleven years of the first Congress of the PCMLV, party of the Venezuelan proletariat that in these years of existence has been increasingly involved in the struggles of the people opening spaces of participation to the working class, the peasants, the communes and the diverse Popular sectorial organizations that from their own realities are positioning themselves in the spaces of struggle that corresponds to it, unifying criteria, designing and applying a political line, a program and a Marxist-Leninist tactic.
More than a decade of work the various transmission belts that link the party with the masses have been strengthened, in more than half of the states of the country there are militants of the PCMLV involved in the struggles of the people, with knowledge of the line Politics and the party's theses learn every day what class struggle is and teach popular fighters to move forward and fight against their class enemy.
National relations with other organizations are being strengthened in the field of combat, every mobilization, every strike, every fight counts our revolutionary approach, with the presence of the policy of the PCMLV and with the representation of some militant of Our party, which from the clandestine and secret position is establishing the appropriate mechanisms to link with the masses in their struggles, contributing to the organization and the battles of the people a vision far from the reformism and revisionism that we Prepare for moments of acute struggle for a future revolutionary situation.
At the international level our work is being strengthened, mainly through the ICMLPO where we live active, we participate in all the theoretical and practical activities, contributing to the ideological struggle, fighting in favor of the methods of Marxism Leninism, of the guidelines of the classics, against the opportunism, the revisionism, of the infantile left, understanding that the main enemy is the imperialist bloc US-EU and fascism in the Internationalist Bolshevik line, Overcoming weaknesses through critique and self-criticism, which will mean the maturity of the parties and the Conference by addressing the differences of focus and correcting them.
In addition to other initiatives, international relations are consolidating not only with Marxist-Leninist but also with other tendencies that have revolutionary, democratic and advanced positions claiming the teachings of the International Communist, specifically in relation to the national and colonial problem, as the premises for the confrontation with fascism elaborated by the VII Congress.
Our method of work is based on the study of the specific situations and the search of the appropriate answers according to the reality taking as reference the national and international experiences of the Marxism-Leninism and the creative solution on the Basis of dialectics and our capacities, which does not make it able to consolidate a proletarian point of view among the masses.
During these years we have collided with carelessness, desertions, treason and attempts of fraction, even has detected the presence of ideas and annihilators elements that have been defeated with the unity of the party plus the decisive and firm action of the direction in Connection with militancy, being present to solve a strange experience of external interference nourished in a disloyal way and with non-Marxist methods from the outside which has occupied time and energy in braking it, showing deviations and decomposition Moral and ideological. Some of these cases have been linked to the complex material and social situations that our country is experiencing as a result of the economic crisis, the imperialist blockade, the flawed policies and the weaknesses of the popular movement that have been expressed Particularly after the fourth Congress as an expression of small bourgeoisie influence that is being refined while consolidating the proletarian essence of the party achieving important national and international successes in the frontal and decisive ideological struggle While it is called militancy to fight next to the masses to face the moments of confrontation that are coming while maintaining the combative firmness.
We congratulate all militancy, which every day demonstrates more proletarian maturity, which understands the importance of the Marxist Leninist party as the only possibility of the concretion of national liberation and Socialism, of the Organization of revolution and of progress Of the political conscience of the working class, of the peasants and the revolutionary communes, clearing the way towards the dictatorship of the proletariat.
11 years of combat, of mass struggle, of sustained growth of debates and triumphs, we have also suffered defeats and even losses that we will always have present as a constancy of the decision to succeed and to fulfil the historical role of the hand of Marx, Engels , Lenin and Stalin, the obligatory reference of our party.
For all these reasons we fulfilled 11 years of sustained growth, supplying the casualties with new combatants, so we are the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela, the combat party of the proletariat, the organization with a clear vision of the Revolutionary tactics and strategy, which advances with the ideas of Dimitrov, taking steps in the construction of the trenches to confront the imperialism and fascism, learning every day of the successes and also of the defeats but always with the high forehead of the Hand of our combative people who are willing to break the link of the chain of imperialist oppression and with mobilization and struggle, sooner than later will break it.
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