viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Modern revisionism must be fought by Marxist-Leninist

In his work Marxism and revisionism Lenin begins his work with a phrase that invites to be analyzed with attention, in this Lenin expresses the following: "It is well known the aphorism that says that if the geometric axioms affecting the interests of the people, surely would have Who refuted them". If we revise the behavior of the revisionists it can be verified how they strive to distort, even in the most ridiculous way, the central postulates of Marxism Leninism with the intention of adapting them in favor of their particular interests or Group.

The revisionists make an effort to present their thesis as an innovative phenomenon, even trying to impose the criterion that these are an expression of a development of Marxism Leninism, hiding their real interests, among which is to strip Marxism Leninism of its revolutionary character, promote the need to "refresh" some approaches that according to them do not respond to the concrete realities and in front of which Marxism has been "outdated".

One of the main elements to take into account is that revisionism arises there, within the Marxist Leninist Party or organization, which, by various circumstances, neglects political and ideological strengthening, thus allowing the appearance Gaps by which some positions impregnated with the bourgeois small spirit can be filtered. The intention of the revisionists is to demonstrate that it is possible and right to take ideological shortcuts to justify the modification of the revolutionary behavior to the imperialists and capitalists of all kinds. For this they are made of a revolutionary phraseology, they assume attitudes that are characteristic of the left-wing deviations, assume positions which denote in the form certain radicalism, but in the content is only the justification to support the Aggressions of the imperialists against the peoples of the world.

The revisionism tries to cover up the expansion and exploitation of the imperialism against the peoples, for this they resort to the deformation of the postulates of Marxism Leninism.

For Marxist Leninists It is a task of first order to close ranks to confront this phenomenon whose essence is in refusing the central orientations that emanate from the teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin on the tasks of the revolutionaries in their struggle By the socialist revolution and against capitalism. It is necessary to move forward, confirming in the concrete reality the validity of Marxism Leninism.

Stalin said that the party is strengthening refined of opportunistic elements. Revisionism as an expression of opportunism must be fought and unmasked in the different scenarios by the consequent Marxist-Leninist. This task today is unpostponabl.

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